Thursday, December 10, 2009

20 Before 2010

The Top 20 songs of 2009
1) In the interest in promoting variety, only one song is allowed per artist. Otherwise, Phoenix would easily dominate.
2) The song had to have been released on an album that came out in 2009. The new Spoon song would be on this list, but their new record doesn't get released until January. Similarly, MGMT is disqualified because Oracular Spectacular was a 2008 record, despite this year's success of "Kids".
3) Hip-hop is not my forte. I am certain there are some 2009 hip-hop songs that are deserving of a coveted spot, but I admittedly cannot spot out great hip-hop -- Jay-Z being the exception.
4) The song does not necessarily have to be a single, as you will see.
5) No Lady GaGa allowed.

20) Wilco - "You and I"
19) Art Brut - "Alcoholics Unanimous"
18) Karen O. and the Kids - "All Is Love"
17) The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - "The Pretender"
16) Them Crooked Vultures - "Scumbag Blues"
15) The Dirty Projectors - "Temecula Sunrise"
14) Silversun Pickups - "Panic Switch"
13) Tegan & Sara - "Someday"
12) Grizzly Bear - "Two Weeks"
11) The Avett Brothers - "I and Love and You"
10) Sonic Youth - "Anti-Orgasm"
9) Pearl Jam - "The Fixer"
8) Death Cab For Cutie - "Meet Me On The Equinox"
7) Muse - "The Uprising"
6) Yeah Yeah Yeahs - "Zero"
5) Jay-Z - "Empire State of Mind"
4) Animal Collective - "My Girls"
3) Neko Case - "People Got A Lotta Nerve"
2) Passion Pit - "To Kingdom Come"
1) Phoenix - "1901"

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