Monday, July 7, 2008

TV On The Tour

The Brooklyn trip-hop/shoegaze/art rock outfit TV On The Radio just announced a brief West Coast/Canadian tour beginning in early September. What does this mean for New Yorkers? Well, pretty much nothing. Let's hope this is a precursor to some East Coast gigs. Here are the dates in case you happen to be in their neck of the woods:

9.05 Portland, OR - Roseland
9.06 Seattle, WA - Showbox
9.07 Vancouver, British Columbia - Commodore
9.09 Calgary, Alberta - MacEwan Ballroom
9.10 Edmonton, Alberta - Starlite Room
9.12 Boise, ID - Big Easy
9.13 Salt Lake City, UT - In the Venue
9.14 Morrison, CO - Red Rocks (Monolith Festival)
9.19 San Diego, CA - Street Scene
9.20 San Francisco, CA - Treasure Island Festival

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