Sunday, January 11, 2009

Collective Effort

I always said a little creativity would be the key to salvation for the music industry. Well, put another notch on the ol' victory post for the indies. Merriweather Post Pavillion, the new Animal Collective album that has been garnering critical praise across the map, was released this past week exclusively on vinyl (if you want the CD format, you'll have to wait until January 20th). Thanks to a series of organized listening parties thrown all over the country, the record (and yes I mean "record" literally) has created so much buzz that people everywhere reportedly swooped up these babies like hotcakes. So much so, that the word on the street is that this MPP will chart on the Billboard chart based on VINYL SALES ALONE! This is quite a feat for a major label artist, but for an indie this is simply unprecendented. I love it.

If there's one thing we've learned from this past election, grassroots campaigns WORK. Ok, I'll shut up now.

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