Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sly Foxes

If you've read some of my recent postings, you know I have a thing for Seattle's Fleet Foxes. Lucky for me that it happens to be a good day for New York-dwelling Foxes fans. This band's tour has been mapped out for quite some time now, with a Webster Hall show that's been sold out like there's no tomorrow. For fans (like me) that were shut out trying to get tickets, there was a silver lining. They've had this "NEW YORK THING" scheduled for October 4th forever now, with little or no information about what exactly this "thing" was all about. It could have been a radio show or an in-store for all we knew. But alas it's even better than that. The Fleet Foxes will be playing the very intimate Grand Ballroom at the Manhattan Center! Tickets, which are a VERY affordable $19.50 apiece, go on sale tomorrow at noon! You won't want to miss this, so don't blow the opportunity again.

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